Monthly Recap #5
Unified Liquidity Architecture, Fluent Marginal Slippage Values, Cashmere Keepers, and More
The year 2022 was marked by tremendous growth and innovation from our side, and we are more hopeful than ever since our product is getting closer to its launch. While proceeding, monthly recaps are one of the powerful mediums for us to update the community about the future of Cashmere Labs. This article will provide a monthly recap of Cashmere’s recent developments, which include the unified liquidity architecture and streamlined slippage values, and we are hopeful for the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in 2023.
The Design ofUnified Liquidity Architecture
The Cashmere team has developed the Unified Liquidity architecture to realize a fully decentralized architecture that provides 100% guaranteed finalization of Cashmere liquidity pools. The architecture offers specific bandwidths depending on the weights for each pool in each network and maintains the balance of pools at all times. Credits and bandwidths are updated on-chain with each transaction and do not require a centralized structure. All swap transactions are completely decentralized and secure. The changes have been pushed to GitHub, ensuring transparency and openness in the development process.
Amplification of Fluent Marginal Slippage to Pools
Cashmere has streamlined the slippage values to be calculated by the smart contract according to the balance of the pools. Cashmere’s slippage is fluid and different at every point, unlike other DeFi applications in the market. In other applications, the slippage values are fixed between specific liquidity ranges, which is inefficient and adds unnecessary costs for users. The streamlined slippage values in Cashmere prevent slippage payments, providing an efficient and cost-effective platform for users.
On-chain Signature & Cashmere Keepers Architecture Design
Cashmere Keepers will act as validators, and an on-chain signature system will protect user rights, making the process completely decentralized and secure. A CSM token will be required to be a validator, creating a new utility for the CSM token. This development ensures the security and efficiency of the platform, promoting transparency and accountability in the development process.
Security & Contract Optimizations
The Cashmere team has made the algorithms simple and understandable, making integrations for DSMath and SafeMath libraries and performing contract gas optimizations. These developments have ensured that the platform is efficient and secure, providing users with a seamless experience.
Tokenomics Update
Unlike other token models that have failed in the past, Cashmere has developed a unique formula and limited inflation according to the profit index made by Cashmere. This development will prevent extra token minting and false growth. The platform will distribute real dividends according to the actual profit it makes, ensuring transparency and accountability in the development process.
Business Plan Updates
The Cashmere team has met with prospective employee candidates in different departments of the company, such as design, development, social media, research, and development, community management, and security audit. They have also set timelines and community strategies for public testnet deployment and public mainnet deployment. The team has met with SaaS and B2B companies for future services and tools, making sure that the platform remains up-to-date and responsive to the needs of its users.
When Testnet MBEEK?
We are thrilled by the enthusiasm of the community and are excited to announce that our Testnet is almost ready for launch. We know the Goats are eagerly anticipating this release, and we are working diligently to ensure that the Testnet is the best it can be. Our team is putting in long hours to make sure that everything runs smoothly, and we appreciate the patience of our community. We believe that the Testnet will provide an excellent opportunity for users to experience the power of Cashmere and offer valuable feedback for further improvements. We cannot wait to share this exciting development with the community and look forward to a successful Testnet launch.