CashmereLabs Testnet Development Update v1.2

Cashmere Labs
2 min readJun 5, 2023


Every great innovation is born out of necessity and is meticulously crafted with feedback, experimentation, and continuous enhancement. CashmereLabs has always believed in the immense power of collective knowledge and the vision of creating a truly decentralized world. It is this belief that guides our journey in the development of our Testnet.

In this article, we present to you the latest developments in our Testnet, v1.2. These improvements are the direct result of the valuable feedback provided by our esteemed community members. Their diligent testing and insightful suggestions have helped us navigate the complex landscape of blockchain technology and have pushed us closer to our ambitious goals.

Backend Optimization and Better Transactions

In the pursuit of improving our user’s experience, we’ve managed to optimize our backend system. Our revised setup now ensures a significantly reduced number of missed or stuck transactions. As a result, the users can now enjoy a smoother and more reliable transaction experience.

A Smarter Indexing Mechanism

To further enhance the overall system performance, we have established a smarter indexing mechanism. It logs all the transactions meticulously, making it easier to backtrack in the event of a problem. This helps us maintain a comprehensive record, increasing transparency and accountability, thereby strengthening the overall reliability of the system.

Embracing Liquidity Deposits and Withdrawals

In a move to promote flexibility and user convenience, we have started working on incorporating liquidity deposits and withdrawals. These features are expected to give our users more control and allow them to make the most of the Testnet.

Resolving Chain Issues

Blockchain technology is at the core of our product. In our ongoing quest for perfection, we’ve successfully resolved all problems related to the chains. The chains have now been reactivated and are more robust than ever, providing an enhanced level of security and stability.

A New Era of Efficiency

Lastly, we are excited to announce that we are currently working on developing one of the most efficient algorithms in the cross-chain industry. We firmly believe that this will mark a significant milestone in our journey and contribute to the realization of our vision.

At CashmereLabs, we understand that progress is a journey, not a destination. We continuously strive to improve and innovate, keeping our community members at the heart of everything we do. We sincerely thank our community for their unwavering support and valuable feedback.

If you wish to stay updated with our latest developments, follow us on our official Website, Twitter, Telegram, and Discord. Let’s continue to build a stronger and more connected world together.

Here’s to making strides in the world of decentralized technology with CashmereLabs!

